PM should Maintain Dignity of Office

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I feel obliged that I have been given an opportunity to speak. Yesterday, I had decided not to speak on this subject, but I have been inspired by Mamataji’s speech and I feel that if I do not express my views on this subject I may be taken otherwise.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would first of all like to tell Mamataji that had she advised the Prime Minister the very first day this dispute would not have arisen and he would have changed his statement. I am sorry to state that the Prime Minister has objected to the statement given by me in the newspapers saying that I have misunderstood and the statement made by him and this has been published by all the newspapers in the country. Parliament remained in session for about a week and now we have suddenly been apprised of the decision taken by the Prime Minister that if he would give a statement it will only be inside the House. I fail to understand that how could the hon’ble Prime Minister was suddenly reminded of the decorum of the House. I am very seriously stating this and not to appear or displease somebody. I had stated this is the very beginning that why was he seeking resignation of the three Ministers so late?

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was surprised at Mr. Speaker when he stated that the motion is being brought forward with everybody’s approval, there may have been an agreement particularly between the two parties i.e. the major opposition party and the treasury. The hon’ble Prime Minister’s statement was not discussed therein only the resignation of the Ministers was the subject of discussion. The doubt being expressed from all the corners was strengthened when it was questioned that why only Harinji resigned and not the other Ministers. Today, I need Harinji’s statement. He said that he has resigned voluntarily. Perhaps such a statement was made to save the party. But, at times truth must also be told. I have gone through Harinji’s entire case and would not find a reason for his tendering a resignation. He has been made to resign, he has not resigned voluntarily. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the day he was asked to resign I had told my friends that some others will also be asked to resign.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Mamataji is an ally of N.D.A. but only her integrity will not unite N.D.A., B.J.P. which is one of the major party should also stand united. When there are differences within, there cannot be unity and it seems very contradictory that the entire nation is given the message of unity. What message is given to the country? That the hon’ble Prime Minister has changed his image, but why and under what pressure? I cannot use the language used by Shri Jaipal, for I respect hon’ble Prime Minister I disagree with him but I used to feel that hon’ble Prime Minister is concerned about the future of the country, the unity of the country and has regards for the sentiments of the people that the national sentiment is not linked to a particular group.

National sentiment is linked with all the citizens of the country and everybody will accept this that the statement made by the hon’ble Prime Minister has hurt the sentiments of a particular group and has it’s repercussions also. An atmosphere of tension has been created in the country. All the newspapers wrote editorials about it and riots broke out in several parts of U.P. Even at that time the Prime Minister did not find it necessary to change his statement which was given by him two-three days back. Mamataji is an expert in this regard she wants the Government’s unity too, wants to express her views and that she does successfully and with determination and sincerity. But this is not the way to run the Government. At times coalition have also to be run and the programme or policy framed therein has to be abided. The differences are solved by sitting together. But here it is happening from the very day this Government came into power. Here people are annoyed for personal reasons, leave alone Mamataji. Yesterday, Shri Jaipal Reddy ji was greatly annoyed with Uma Bharti ji but it should be kept in mind that the transformation from a religious head to a Minister is not a serious crime because I feel that serving in a temple is as good as serving the nation.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, this is very strange that the resignation was tendered due to some other reason, the problem was raised and the Prime Minister accepted it, the dignity of the Prime Minister’s office suffers if he makes such a statement be it any Prime Minister and if the dignity of the Prime Minister’s office is lowered, it is no service to the nation.

If a Prime Minister compromise with the dignity of the office he holds just for the sake of saving his chair, he is then not fit to remain on his post. Therefore I would like to say that I do not endorse the language and the contents of what Mulayam Singh ji spoke yesterday. He however, said that the Prime Minister should boldly accept that he had made a mistake and that it would be alright if people are satisfied with his statement in regard to rectification of his mistake.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, nobody wants to pull down this Government. The Congress, in particular does not want to pull down the Government. I also do not want to dethrone the Government. My colleagues of the Congress Party should not take it otherwise. Now nobody wants that elections should be held every sixth month or every year. This Government should be run but then there should be a concerned approach. At times, the Government have to take hard decisions but capacity is lacking in this Government. Shri Pramod Mahajan ji should not take it ill when I say that it was not a sudden statement. I know Atalji for the last 35-36 years. I have toured the country with him on Parliamentary Committees tours not only for a day but for months together. I have weighed his views and his personality. He has made this statement under some pressure. And if a Prime Minister makes his statement under some pressure, then surely he cannot maintain the dignity of the office he occupies. I am saying this with a deep sense of sorrow.

I would repeat today that a serious damage has been done although efforts are on to hugh up the matter and to convince the people. I am not aware of their hidden agenda. Nothing is hidden. You take to Vinay Katiyar ji, he is very clear in his mind about what type of India he wants to make. You take to Uma Bharti ji, she is uncertain about her approach. This is because she is at times under the influence of George Fernandes and at other times under the influence of Vinay Katiyar. But I do not know who is having more influence on her. Once upon a time she was agreed admirer of George Fernandes. So, may be she comes under his influence and visits the temple, and similarly she joins the Cabinet when she is under the influence of Vinay Katiyar. But her intention is good in either case.

Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I would therefore like to say that the matter is very serious and the situation of the country is very grave. I am unable to spell out what I want to say. The Government can run the way it is running and so is the case with the Parliament, but this country will not run if the situation remains the same. This Government have failed on all the fronts be it economic front or be it the question of providing security to the country or be it the question of maintaining harmony in the country and be it the issue of winning the confidence of the minorities of the country. Moreover, this Government have developed the attitude of avoiding all the issues.

There is a National Security Council and one senior officer of this council is under question. One of the members of BJP National Executive is carrying a campaign on daily basis against him. Our Defence Minister, the Prime Minister and the Home Minister are present here. They have not spoken a single word against him. Is this the way to run the country? There is a campaign on T.V. against the man who has the responsibility of providing security to the country. But in spite of that no statement is made. The defence expert have openly critised this. You may have a sympathy, compassion and friendship with a particular man. But there can be no friendship at the cost of the nation. Your friendship should be only to the extent where the country has not to pay heavily for that. Pramod ji, this is why I did not say anything on the day before yesterday because I am also pained as you are. You speak with responsibility because you have a responsibility on you, but I am also speaking with not less than that sense of responsibility. The issue which I raised on the day before yesterday and the issue which has been raised now by one of our colleagues is not the one on which you can say during the Zero Hour that the matter would be looked into. These are the issues which can lead to disintegration of the country and which can flare up divisive tendencies. If the Government are not aware of those tendencies, then I do not know how far the Government can provide security to this country. I consider that incident in this context only. If the Prime Minister made in statement when he was quite unaware and when he keeps mum for seven days after that then this is not a simple thing. This incident indicates towards abysmal darkness. I would not say anything beyond this. I would only say that with his conduct the Prime Minister has disappointed people like me.
