Disinvestment Policy

Chandrashekhar the Great  


Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the question raised by our friend just now has assumed a very big significance at present. At the time of presenting the last budget, the Government claimed to mobilise Rs. 1000 crores by selling the shares of Public Sector Undertakings. The countrymen don’t know as to how the Government arrived at the figure of Rs. 10 thousand crores. At that time it was also claimed that the shares of only those companies (PSUs) will be sold which are running in losses. Four weeks ago, the Minister of Disinvestment and the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission said that if only those companies are sold which are running in losses, then it would not be possible to achieve the target of mobilising ten thousand crore rupees. Hence even the profit earning companies would have to be sold. Now I am unable to understand as how can the Government give contradictory statements and can advocate a complete change in policy, I do not want to give a long speech. I would only give two examples. The Modern Bakery was sold for Rs. 126 crores while the management of the company claimed that it is worth Rs. 2000 crores...(Interruptions)


Neither the officers not the staff of the company was consulted before setting out the deal. I feel constrained to say that it has been mentioned in the report of the Government that not even, the price of the land was taken into consideration while selling the company and the pretext extended by the Government on this account are extremely ridiculous. The issue of selling of Air India was raised. It was reported in the newspapers that our friend Shri Sharad Yadav who is also the Minister of that particular Ministry also registered his dissent against the same. An understanding for selling 25 per cent of the shares was reached between them and the Minister of Disinvestment but it was raised to 26 per cent so that the management of Air India, could be handed over to a foreign company. The Minister of Civil Aviation was forced to witness it silently. Right now, our friend has also mentioned the selling of 6 more companies. Who had decided that Rs. Ten thousand crores will be mobilised through the disinvestment of PSU’s and what criteria was followed while calculating this amount? Till now only those companies were being sold which were running in losses but now even the profit earning PSU’s are being sold.

I would like to cite only one more example. There is no other country in the world wherein its Air carrier has been sold. Sri Lanka perhaps is the only such country which had to resort to such a sale in special circumstances. India will be the first such country where its Public Air Carrier, Air India operating its flight in 36 countries of the world will be disinvested and its share will be sold. In the same August House, the previous Government had announced that privatisation will not be allowed to take place. Earlier our Government had not granted permission to a particular Airlines to operate its flights in India but now the very same Airlines is trying to buy the shares of Air-India. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, why it is happening? I don’t criticise for the sake of criticism. There is enough documentary evidence to prove that the country is being guided by the foreign powers even in the matter of very basic things ...(Interruptions) The Government a quite aware of there dangers and all these documents have been prepared under the full knowledge of the Government. I don’t say that only this Government has promoted privatisation but even the previous Governments have played their roles in it. I have continuously been raising this issue. Today the situation has come to such a passe that if the Parliament Session is not held for a day then the Member of Parliament might even think that the country has been mortgaged to a foreign powers. Hon. Minister cf Parliamentary Affairs, please don’t be enraged by my remark. Very soon you are going to hear, this stigma. Our friend Shri Murli Manohar Joshi has sent a ‘Chaupai’ by Tulsidas about Lord Krishna just before the commencement of the business of the House : “Mor Mukut, Kati Kachhani Ho hath, Tulsi Mastak Tab Nabe Jab Dhanush Ban Ho Hath” I do not know as to when the sight measures would be taken by the Government or whether it will keep on acting like Sikhandi in an impotent way. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, today the country is facing the danger and there is a need to protect the country from this danger... (Interruptions)


Mr. Speaker, Sir, first of all I extend my heart-felt congratulations and felicitations for being unanimously elected as the Speaker of the House and especially for you have accepted this office. This has not only increased the prestige of the House but also the prestige of democracy. I assure you that when you were sitting here as a Member, whatever I said, I have always been inspired by you. I spoke only when you said me to speak on a particular subject. I feel that there is none left for me to inspire likewise, that is why I did not want to speak today. Even today, I got inspiration from you only and I am highly obliged for this. I feel that you have always talked about the exploited, suppressed and deprived people. Sir, with grief I have to say that during last few years voice of these people have not been paid any heed in the Parliament. I think, with your being in the Chair, attention will be paid towards them. People will again raise their voices because if their voices are left unheard, it will not be possible to keep the Parliamentary democracy alive. Sir, it is a fact that you have always adhered to the decorum of the House but the words from Nitishji surprised me a little bit and I felt it necessary to mention. Sometimes there is fault of the company you keep. I have always accepted your advice except to walk out from the Parliament or to boycott a Minister. I could not accept your this advice. If Nitishji is all set to do this, I request you not to permit him to do so. I request Shri Nitishji that he should forget this matter. The Parliament is not meant to boycott the Cabinet. To respect them who are elected, whom the Prime Minister selects is the duty of all the Members of Parliament...(Interruptions)


Whatever happened, I did not do.. (Interruptions) You are asking the answer from me! Pathak ji, I was not aware that you are so ignorant. I have never done so. I have never violated any tradition of the Parliament during these many years. I was elected to the Parliament 42 years ago and I do not remember that I have walkedout even on a single occasion, and have not complied with any order during these years.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am confident that after assuming this office you will still inspire the Members that the convention of the Parliament are not breached. I hope so. You have always casted yourself as the circumstances did warrant and at this moment too, you will establish a new tradition beyond that situation. The whole House have expressed their confidence in you, winning the confidence of the House you please spread new confidence in the country and hail high the voices of the suppressed people. With this expectation I want to recite a couplet in Urdu - “Jahan bhi jata hai roshani lutata hai, kisi chirag ka apna makam nahi hota.”

Sir, today you are free from parties and limitations, you are above them. My expectation from you is that being there you will give a new direction to the country.
