Police at MPs’ Houses

Chandrashekhar the Great  


I fully agree with you, but if the report is not true, what is going to happen? (Interruptions). SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : I was just trying to observe that if the allegation that has been made by the hon. Member is true, i.e. not only that the police is posted but police had been posted because a certain hon. Member gave a note of dissent, it is a serious matter. But if this is not correct, what happens? Because the police is posted at many places throughout the whole city. (Interruptions) My only request is that you yourself or through a committee of the House should go into the details of this complaint and if this accusation is true, then serious action should be taken against the Government and the police. If this is not true, such irresponsible members who have made this accusation should be punished. (Interruptions). They are talking of police atrocities, posting of police at the Member’s house. (Interruptions)

These people are responsible for atrocities. They are not ashamed of their behaviour. (Interruptions) We are not going to be cowed down by this type of action, and I am not going to sit down. Mr. Speaker, is this the way that I should be treated? We have also not forgotten many things. We are trying to forget all the crimes that have been committed. They are indulging in the same action. Our generosity should not be taken as weakness. I want to make it clear to the hon. Members and the whole country that we are trying to be generous, but we are not going to tolerate any hooliganism whatsoever. We shall meet all hooliganism, whatever the consequences. (Interruptions) For all time to come, I am going to stop this type of tactics.


You say that if the charge is not proved, action will be taken against those who have made irresponsible charges. (Interruptions)
