Continuance of President Rule in Kashmir

Chandrashekhar the Great  


Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, my friend Sri Madan Lal Khurana has given the suggestion that the Prime Minister should personally go and see the conditions. I would like to tell him that we are in touch with the Kashmir Administration and the migrants have met me. I am also planning to visit them very soon. If some arrangements are found lacking, we shall try to make necessary arrangements. With regard to the submission of another hon. Member regarding lack of security, I want to say that orders have been issued to the State Government to protect the property of each and every migrant. I do not claim that cent-percent perfection has been provided. There have been cases of burning and looting of property, but on the whole, the properties have been protected.

The other question was raised by my friend, Inder Jitji. We cannot make a proper assessment about the activities of the terrorists beyond the border. We have got certain information. It is true that the attitude of certain world powers has changed towards this problem; and there is a slight change in the attitude of the Government of Pakistan also. But we cannot depend on that. But this Is a welcome sign. I hope and trust that Pakistani anuthorities will realise that tension between these two countries is not going to be of any avail to any of us. Let us try to see that we develop an atmosphere of cordiality. One thing I want to make clear whether one nation or all the nations try together, anybody trying to secede Kashmir from India will be totally disappointed. This is not a question of majority/minority; this is not a question of territory, this is a question of the secular values of this country and India is committed to this that Kashmir will remain with India at all costs. There should be no doubt on that account. And I want to assure the hon. House and the nation that any activity whether within our territory or beyond our border is not going to deter the Government from discharging its responsibility to see that the present situation in Kashmir changes and our friends who have come out from Kashmir go back to their houses in an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity.
