Pak has Only Kashmir Issue

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, UP) : Mr. Chairman, Sir, I rise to commiserate with the Government, especially with the Minister of External Affairs. I have no complaints against them. My only complaint is that the hon’ble Prime Minister failed in presenting his viewpoint explicitly though I do not advocate the manner and language in which the Pakistani General put up his viewpoint. We were told time and again that what is happening in Kashmir is the struggle for freedom. I do not understand as to why our delegation was not able to tell them that Kashmir freedom struggle ended in 1947 when our country was divided in the name of religion. At that time the people of Kashmir refused to go with Pakistan led by Mr. Jinnah and joined Mahatma Gandhi’s India. That freedom struggle was fought under the leadership of Sheikh Abdullah and as a result of that Kashmir is an integral part of India today. General Musharraf might not be aware of that struggle but I hoped that the representatives and leaders of India had to make him aware of this fact but it was not done, other countries of the world also advised us time and again to reach some agreement on this issue. These are the very people who played important role in dividing this country into two parts.

I would like to say that Kashmir issue or Hindustan-Pakistan issue is not that easy as we generally think. I would like to say with all humility that I could not associate myself with Shri Somnath Chatterjee’s viewpoint. What has happened to opposition parties. Before saying anything to the Government I would like to know as to why they had gone to attend the tea party oganised by General Musharraf. Were you hoping that an important decision will be taken in it for solving this problem. I totally disagree with General Musharaf’s viewpoint but I would like to say here that he hardly said anything in Agra which he did not say in Pakistan. What he said in Islamabad was repeated in Agra. He repeated the same point on return to his country. He had stated in very clear terms that nothing else but Kashmir issue was on his agenda. I do not know as to the basis on which the leaders of opposition parties advised Jaswant Singhji and Vajpayeeji to raise other issues. I do not know as to the basis on which our hon. Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs hoped to raise other issues along with the Kashmir issue. I am saying repeatedly so because General Musharraf had said this before the entire world and he crossed every limit and stated that some other country had pressurized India to invite him. Despite all this in such a situation this invitation was extended. Earlier, a couple of meetings of SAARC were postponed. We are the founder Member of SAARC. We set up the SAARC forum at the time when issue of regional co-operation was raised throughout the world, the European countries, Mexico, Canada and America, and the ASEAN countries were promoting mutual co-operation. SAARC was a forum where our Prime Minister and General Musharraf could have held talks easily without raising any hue and cry or any fear of disrespect. At that time we were told that ours is a democratic country and we believe in democracy so we could not hold discussion with a dictator. Several leaders of our country had held discussions with the General during SAARC summits. I do not want to remind that. Mani Shankarji had also held discussion with Pakistan’s General in SAARC meeting. I, myself had held discussions with the General of Bangladesh. Our Prime Minister talked of high ideas in democracy which were praised by people of this country. Our newspapers published that such a big supporter of democracy one day suddenly invited General Musharraf. After that all the opposition parties were invited, who also claimed that an important decision is being taken to solve this problem and termed it new beginning in this direction.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Whosoever must have gone there. It was stated that it was a new beginning in our foreign policy. A new step is being taken for improving Indo-Pak relations. I do not know as to why these dreams were dreamt. It was very clear from the news items published in newspapers of Islamabad and style of General Musharraf that he would raise the Kashmir issue only. I would like to know whether there was any hesitation in our mind or could we ignore the Kashmir issue which become part of our country due to many sacrifices and great efforts of Sheikh Abdullah. Please remember Kashmir issue is not only the question of a piece of land but is a question of fundamental principles and deals for us. Kashmir is such a part of our country on the basis of which we can claim that India is a secular country. Secularism has been a tradition with our country for thousands of years. There can be various religions or paths but God is one and thus our destination is same. We decided not to fight or quarrel on the basis of religion and people of Kashmir proved this fact.

This issue was ended by Sheikh Abdullah during struggle of 1947. Later while framing the Constitution of India we inserted Article 370 but these points have not been raised. Why such issues were not presented before the world. While welcoming General Musharraf we were overjoyed and felt that we have nothing to say and General Musharraf had come over here to express his views.

Madam, Chairperson, Shrimati Sushma Swaraj is being criticized as to how she had gone there without invitation and made a statement. I am not saying this today, at that time also when media persons asked me whether Sushma Swaraj had been invited or not? I told them that I did not know that but it is a fact that she was the Spokeswoman of this country and not of General Musharraf. I do not know as to the extent to which her statement was true, but she tried to save the honour and esteem of this country. I told media persons not to make fun of her. We feel that there is lack of discipline if some General Chitnis refuses to salute but what about the discipline in case when including General Musharraf, all the three Generals of Pakistan refused to come for welcoming Indian Prime Minister in Lahore.

Mr. Chairman, Sir, I feel that discussion should be held and agreements should be reached but not at the cost of our pride and by lowering our dignity while initiating dialogue between two countries, sentiments of people on the other side should also be taken care of.

Madam, we manufactured atom bomb and nuclear bomb and celebrated the competent Minister of the Government who always try to find loopholes and infuse confidence in the Government, had gone a step forward and stated that we will do pro-active politics and are ready to fight a war in Kashmir.

After five to seven days. I alone had said in the House that a great injustice is being committed on the people of our country including those of this region and also against the people of Pakistan. I also said that nuclear bomb is not a weapon of defence but a weapon of attack and aggression. It cannot be put to any internal use. It will be used and targeted against the other country. But have you ever thought as to what will happen to Amritsar if a bomb is dropped on Lahore.

However, the hon. Prime Minister went on Lahore visit motivated by either the suggestion given by hon. Jaswant Singh or someone else. It was reported in newspapers that the hon. Prime Minister has surpassed even Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru in diplomacy of peace and friendship. The hon. Prime Minister himself might have never thought above that and he visited Lahore. I said in this House that it is a dangerous overuse to do so and emphasized that the hon. Prime Minister has taken a dangerous step and it might lead the country to a dangerous proposition. I was never aware that Kargil war will take place within three months of his Lahore visit and the House, will do well to remember that though we showed a lot of enthusiasm in Kargil war and eulogized role of our jawans but all of it came to a naught when the President of some country boasted the role of his country sending the Pakistan any back and remarked that it was not the efforts of the Indian soldier alone which made the Pakistani forces leave the hills of Kargil. Though it was a compulsion on the part of the Government to welcome the Pakistani President, but I am unable to understood as to why the opposition made such a hustle and bustle over the issue of taking part in the luncheon thrown to welcome him. I am of the view that we must think over all the aspects before deciding to do something.

Madam Chairperson, I agree to comrade Somnath’s views that foreign policy of the Government is not related to the ruling party alone, instead it is the question of the prestige of the country as to how a country is running its foreign affairs. Recently news broke out that the Members of Opposition will not attend the tea party hosted by the Pakistani High Commissioner because Hurriyat leader had also been invited to it. I don’t know as to who should be invited for the and who should not however the Opposition Members an issue out of an non issue. The party of hon. Shivrajji opined that one Member of their party should be included in the tea party for very Member their party will send. When our friends from NDA got into the thick of things, they decided not to attend the tea party in trying to maintain their image.

When the NDA partners decided not to attend the tea party, the Opposition parties announced that they will certainly attend it? Is this the unity among us? Is it a way for developing consensus on foreign affairs? When General Musharraf was meeting with Hurriyat leaders; one of the main leader of Opposition was waiting for him in the corridor. It was shown on T.V. Didn’t it the sentiment of National glory, respect and prestige arose in our minds. I would like to make it clear before the hon. Prime Minister that I am saying these things because we are the part of the same family and share a kinship among us. When India made nuclear bomb and tested it by conducting five explosions, Pakistanis went ahead by exploding six times. They are also our brother. You colleagues don’t talk about waging war. It is done at other places. I don’t want to go deep into it however I would like to say that you are being given a wrong advice.

Just now, Somnathji was speaking I was astonished to listen to his view. He said that the Prime Minister should certainly visit Lahore and maintain friendly ties. Our friend Jaswantji is a very optimistic person. It is in fit of this State that he has been advocating for this visit. I agree that there is no other alternative then thereto. However it should be done at Secretarial and External Affairs Ministerial level first. I would like to say that the Prime Minister should assume caution in regard to visiting Islamabad lest there should be more unhealthy an outcome than the one of Agra Summit. I am saying it because I am of the view that though I am in favour of talks get caution should not be thrown to winds. Our Prime Minister has accepted the invitation of visits as a gesture of larger. However longer should only be adopted against the coming persons. There is an old saying ‘Sathe Satheyam Samachrate’ meaning thereby that liberal attitude cannot be adopted for a coming person. I am not in favour of waging war but on the other hand, I also don’t want that the impression should not go round the world that we are very eager to sign an agreement. Why and on what issues should we opt for agreement General Musharraf because so adamant over inclusion of the Kashmir issue intakes that he surpassed all other Pakistani leaders in doing so. I clearly heard him putting up this condition for holding talks before the Editors. Despite this how Prime Minister was hopeful for a solution. However I would like to know from the Minister as how and why did you allow the direct broadcast of General Musharraf’s speech. I would also like to know as to what our intelligence agencies and Department of Information and Broadcasting doing. As Shri Somnathji said, had one of the correspondent not helped. Doordarshan would not have got even a copy of speech. How did it take place Mr. Chairman, Sir, I would like to say that we are trying to strike friendly ties with a country with dubious intentions. The hon. Prime Minister extended an openhearted invitation to the Pakistan Government? Immediately after invitation was extended to him, what did he do? Initially the Government had indicated that it would not talk with the existing Pakistani Government because it is not headed by an elected Chief ...(Interruptions) Leave apart terrorism. It cannot be stopped or augmented with Pakistani efforts. It is we who will stop it for good and we are not so incapable that we cannot do so. It is nothing but the sign of our weakness to seek external help for the same. I am of the view that it is a path full of difficulties. Wherein some strong decisions and unpopular rhetorics will have to be delivered. However, I would like to know whether we are such incapable a nation that we continue to bear these atmosphere of violence and terror sponsored by some other country like Pakistan? But whatever has happened is nearly surprising. Within a few days of receiving our invitation Musharraf declared himself the President of Pakistan. It is a matter of shame and regret that it is India alone which recognise him as President.

I am sorry to say that Hon. Prime Minister was compelled to take this erroneous step for during the last two to three years he has been in the habit of extending the invitation for talks either to Hurriyat conference or to Hizb-ul-Muzhiddin without taking into confidence, or consulting the Chief Minister of Kashmir. Union Home Secretary is seen giving group photograph with the people with masked faces. Is it not a sign of cowardice? Despite that the Government expects to sign an agreement with General Musharraf who was responsible for Kargil intrusion in our land. If the hon. Prime Minister is feeling a great urge to visit Pakistan then he should let it pass to Mr. Jaswant Singh or Sushma Swaraj. Pakistanis understand the language of deceit for in my view diplomacy is nothing but trachery and deceit. Sushmaji though not so skilled in diplomacy, is certainly a clever person. She made it clear during Agra summit when General Musharraf was found clueless after one of the statements made by her and I was much delighted for this. I would like to submit to Somnathji that I respect him a lot, hence he should not try to encourage the Government to adopt wrong policies...(Interruptions). Though initially I used to believe that hon. Prime Minister will not visit Pakistan. My belief was underlined when I come to know of his intention after paying a visit to him to inquire about his health. At that moment I became aroused that he is proceeding in a right path. However, he did a volte face after Agra Summit. I would like to say that he should not visit Pakistan and should not let himself be influenced by anyone to change his opinion in this regard. I don’t want to create any controversy but I would like to say that both these efforts whether it is the invitation of talks with the terrorists or with Musharraf by according him a status of the harbinger of peace are going to end in failure and push the country into doldrums.

I am certain that the hon. Prime Minister and the Minister of External Affairs will learn a lesson from the Agra Summit and will not repeat the same mistake.
