Revival of (Kribhco) KRIBHCO

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, hon’ble Narayan Datt Tiwariji and Akhilesh Singh ji had asked question about Gorakhpur Fertilizer Plant. Two years ago, KRIBHCO had stated that they would not demand funds from the Government for the revival of Gorakhpur plant, as Akhilesh Singh ji has mentioned. Why the Government are not deciding the matter when the money is not involved in it. As Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari has stated that several Prime Ministers assured to reopen this plant, then why it is being reconsidered. KRIBHCO has stated that they have funds to revive the plant, then why the matter is being delayed. If Prime Minister has constituted any committee, then he may kindly be requested to consider the matter regarding Gorakhpur in particular.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the hon. Minister is giving his statement but whether he is aware of the hue and cry raised by the farmers three years ago due to shortage of urea. At that time when KRIBHCO has given the proposal, there was shortage of urea. Today, our hon’ble Minister claims that we are self-sufficient in the field of urea. He can claim so but our farmers are not getting adequate supply of urea.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Please include Gorakhpur also.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, may I request the hon. Minister to come to the specific point? KRIBHCO has given a proposal. They had said that they would manage the finances also. It has been taken into consideration by all the agencies of the Government. Everybody has recommended that this Plant can be re-started and KRIBHCO is ready to take up this matter.

Months back I wrote to the hon. Minister. He was kind enough to give me a reply that it is under the active consideration of the Government of India. If money is there, if the feasibility report is there and if everybody has recommended like that, why this delay in giving order or permission to this particular industry, KRIBHCO, to set up the Plant and restart it?

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the viability aspects has been taken into consideration. There is a report that it is a viable proposal. The finances are there; everything else is there. There are some people who are interested to see that this Plant is not working. ...(Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to make a humble request, you have said that the question asked by Shri Mulayam Singh ji is unparliamentary. As far as we know, the Supreme Court and the Election Commission have given right to eunuch to contest elections and get elected for the Parliament and Legislative Assemblies. Therefore, this question does not arise. So far as its use is concerned our scriptures and literature have used it constantly. He has not asked about any particular person. He has mentioned about the person with whose help this Government is functioning and it bears no ill meaning. This Government is indecisive. This Government could not take decisions. It does not have the will power to do so. What you have to say in this regard? ...(Interruptions)
