President Rule in Punjab

Chandrashekhar the Great  

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, the situation in Punjab has come up for discussion many times in this House. Even today it was discussed and we continued to narrate the same difficulties. It is a matter of great regret that today we had to come before Lok Sabha once again to seek the extension of President’s rule in Punjab for another six months. It is true that nobody wants the elections to be further postponed. For that matter, I would say that postponement of elections anywhere, is not a healthy sign. Punjab has not gone to the polls for a long time now, therefore the everything Suspicion in the minds of the people is but a natural outcome. I wholeheartedly support and agree with the well wishers of Punjab, who have expressed this opinion here, but one thing that/would like to fill the House through you is that this problem is not a recent creation. The intricacies and complexities of this problem have their moorings in the past. Even we are very eager to hold elections there, but by elec-tions, we don’t mean organising a stage- managed show and presenting proof to the world that democratic principles and values are not being violated and that democracy is alive and kicking in Punjab.

I wanted just two things to happen in Punjab and it these two conditions were fulfilled, there would been be absolutely no difficulty in holding elections in that State. With all humility^ I would like to tell my dear friend, Shri Indrajit Gupta, that my conditions are not insurmountable ones. The most important one is that killings should come to an end. It is not 3 question of law and order, but we face difficulties when the people who claim to enjoy popular support and who claim to be the harbingers of a prosperous future, openly talk of violence. Under the circumstances, it becomes difficult for us to convince the masses, frightened by the ut-terances and rhetorics; of these self styled champions, that elections would be con-ducted in a free and fair atmosphere. I do not agree with the contention of many hon. Members that the postponement of elec-tions is slowly and steadily alienating the masses. Although these hon. Members may not understand the reasons for not holding elections, the people of Punjab are very much aware of these factors, for they are living in the midst of those difficulties. They fully know the dangers and implications of terrorism, which they are boldly facing today.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, although I would not call it a great achievement, it would tanta-mount to a denial of facts, if anyone says that the situation in Punjab has not improved even slightly. Certainly the law and order situation has improved and peace is gaining ground in the state, albeit showly. I won’t say that killings have come to an end, I won’t say that terrorism has been totally eliminated, I won’t say that the fear in the minds of the people has been removed, but the allegation that I have backed out which my friends, Shri Atinder Pal Singh arid Shri Rajdev Singh has levelled against me is baseless. Let me reiterate once again that I have said that a solution to the Punjab problem is possible only through dialogue. When I met Shri Simranjeet Singh Mann, I told him that a dialogue is a must and that it is the only way to solve this vexed issue. Although I would not like to disclose all the contents of the talks. I had with him, the manner in which a negative publicity is being carried out against me has left me with no option, but to reveal some facts. During the course of our talks, I had told Shri Simranjeet Singh Mann that he too will have to come out openly against the killing of innocent people and he told me that we should all join hands and call for an end to the killing of innocent people. At that time, I also made it clear to him that if, the terrorists continue with these inhuman acts, then with a heavy heart the Government would be compelled to take stringent action against the offer less. We have never said that the Government would remain a mute spectator to the killings taking place in Punjab and simultaneously hold talks with the militants. No Government or no civilized society will agree to any such thing. Thus, when I had made everything clear, I am surprised to dear from some people that terrorists are killed even now. We were told and even statements were made to the effect that the terrorists would not kill innocent people, but if even then, terrorist continue to kill innocent people and get killed in encounters with the security forces, I have to say with deep regret that we are forced to take such action. You please go through the figures of the last there months. Shri Kamal Choudhry is say-ing that the situation has deteriorated in the last four months. We have always main-tained that whenever a terrorist is killed, we not only make his name public, rather we give details about the crimes in which he was $ involved. Not only this, whenever an en-counter takes place between the security forces and the terrorists, it is not that only terrorists are killed, even our police personal get killed or receive serious injuries. Always denouncing the Police force, always admon-ishing the security forces.
