Chandrashekhar the Great
SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : I am shocked to hear the observation of
the Minister of State for Law. The Election Commission never consulted
the Government, the Government that was there at that time. Nor was
there any report with the Election Commission based on which the
elections of Punjab could have been postponed. The elections were
postponed because of a decision of the Election Commission which took
on its own prompted by whom, I do not know. (Interruptions)
SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Mr. Chairman, Sir, the House
is considering the Punjab problem. I will fail to discharge my national
responsibility if I do not say few words about the questions raised by
some members. My opinion about Punjab is not a new one, it has long
roots in the past. My opinion is that Punjab problem cannot be solved
with the help of oppressive measures. I am also of the opinion that a
blunder has been committed from the beginning in realizing the Punjab
problem and finding the solution thereto. I am sorry that the same is
being repeated and I am sorry to know that a man like Shri Chavan, who
is a man of experience and who is very well familiar with the politics and
national problems has been compelled to bring this Bill. This was not
the reason for this compulsion as there was no alternative left but the
reasons this compulsion was the way in which the Election Commission
has postponed the election.
After a long time I want to say it today that in my opinion the decision
to postpone the election is the second serious national crime after the
‘Blue Star’. This operation has diverted the people of Punjab from the
main stream forever. Mr. Chairman, Sir, through you I want to inform this
House and the country that till the last moment I had been emphasising
that this blunder must not be committed. I rejected very politely the
advice given to me in this respect by the big officials who hold high
posts in the Government and in the State. The decision was taken
suddenly when election was to be held within 24 hours. I came to know
through newspapers only. One day before I had suggested to wait for
new Government to come. If you are in a hurry, let the same Government take the oath and they should take the decision.
Mr. Chairman, Sir, a lot of discussion usually is held here on the issue
of secessionism. In my opinion, it will not be proper if the Government
wants to enact some law or wants to promulgate and ordinance imposing
a ban on secessionists from taking part in elections. I think, this step will
prove suicidal. Postponement of election will also be another suicidal
step. I do not want to comment on Election Commission. I do not want to
repeat that others have already said. The Election Commission postponed
the election at 2.00 A.M. without informing the Government or anybody
else so the present Government has to bear the moral responsibility of
its deeds. It is very strange as to how the Election Commission could
muster so much courage as it could postpone the elections suddenly.
Shri Atalji is present here and he is a witness when Annadurai has
delivered a speech continuously for one and a half hour and the whole
House heard it silently. It is another matter that we opposed him and
told him that their policy, their programmes, their thinking are not in
national interest but none has demanded to get him out of the House.
None demanded to seize his citizenship. I want to know as to how the
Government can have the right to seize somebody’s citizenship? Each
citizen who contests the election takes oath of the Constitution that he
has faith in the Constitution and maintain the propriety of the
Constitution. If some of our members, who are now in power, think that
violation of the Constitution is a very serious crime, then I would like to
know as to how many Articles of the Constitution are still being violated
even today. Where is that right to equality where is the right to equal
treatment with harijans and adivasis in our country? Our directive
principles, which are the guiding principles of our Constitution, are being
continuously violated. But no Prime Minister resigns, no Home Minister
resigns, none loses his citizenship. When we can continue with the Prime
Minister who violates the Constitution after taking the oath of the
Constitution, why we cannot contest the election after taking the oath
of the Constitution. If it is changed it will prove a blunder.
Mr. Chairman, Sir, through you, I would like to make a request to the
honourable Minister to Home Affairs to think even now and not to commit
more mistakes in future. We have time even now to hold election in
Punjab. Just now one honourable Member was saying that economic
assistance should be provided to Punjab. It was the opinion of one hon. Member that you have to try for economic development of Punjab if
you want to fight with terrorism, I think if terrorism is going on in Punjab
due to lack of economic development, it would have grown in Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh and Orissa a long back. However economic development
should take place in Punjab. But it is our misfortune that we have a little
knowledge about the problems in Punjab. Sir, if we do not want to go
into the deep of the problems, we cannot find their solution. Hundreds
year before Guru Nanakdev once said “Ek onkar sat nam”. But Hindu-
Sikhs are fighting there itself in the name of religion. They are killing
each other. This is the question of sentiments. That is why, Atalji was
saying just now that Hindu and Sikhs are not fighting, but such sentiments
are being created. I would like Shri Atalji to think seriously as to why
these sentiments are being created. Hindu society was believed to
accomodate every one. But what happened it today. I have repeated
several times and it is also written outside the House “There is only one
goal to reach the God”. Many of our philosophers suggested various
ways in this regard but our society is getting disintegrated in the name
of religion. We must hold discussion about it.
Mr. Chairman, Sir, we will have to win the hearts of the people of
Punjab to solve the Punjab problem. We have to remove frustration and
the ill feelings which they have in their hearts. They think that justice
has not been done with them, they have not been treated equally. I do
not say that all this is true, many things may be based on doubts. But we
are going to strengthen those doubts by passing this Bill today. Doubts
have been increased due to the postponement of election. If the
Government commits mistake of passing the another Bill or promulgates
some ordinance, we will definitely loose the people of Punjab from us.
How can bear silently the disintegration of the country before our eyes.
Mr. Chairman, Sir, I would like to urge you to use the dignity of your post,
your powers and your honour to guide and direct the Government in
proper way. We cannot change the society by using powers of the
authority. To change the mentality of the people there, we must
understand the feelings and sentiments of the people. We must try to
heal the hearts of the people which have been hurt. By repeatedly
asserting our power and influence, we are just displaying our inefficiency
and helplessness. The Punjab problem can be solved if we try to unite
the people of the country with strength and force peaceful means I do not want to comment whether these elections would have proved
dangerous for the country or otherwise. One hon. Member had
commented that the step had been taken to achieve cheap popularity
but it should be remembered that some people had opposed the holding
of poll not only in Punjab but in Assam also. The people who were
responsible for the postponement of poll in Punjab, opposed the
elections in Assam also. But elections were held in Assam peacefully
and successfully and people belonging to the same party emerged
victorious. Mr. Chairman, Sir, one should admit one’s mistakes openly
and honestly, because we cannot construct bright future by repeating
the past mistakes.
Mr. Chairman, Sir, you should not allow the Government to repeat
the same mistakes again. Therefore, I would like to request this House
not to pass this Bill.