Behaviour of Members

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Mr. Speaker, I am sorry to make a few observations about this motion, this debate. The motion has been withdrawn by my friend Mr. Sathe.... (Interruptions).. has not been moved, I stand corrected. I feel Mr. Sathe is within his rights not to move the motion.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : It is not a fundamental right. I want to raise a fundamental question. It is not only the rule but the behaviour of the Members which is being watched by the country, by the world over. Parliamentary democracy is to run it by certain standards of decency and decorum. May I request Mr. Sathe that he should recollect that all machinations and this type of abuse of parliamentary institutions have not paid them in the past; it is not going to pay them in future. There is a certain standard a certain morality which is involved in the whole issue. If he raised this issue, I think that he raised it in all seriousness. Now he has proved by his own behaviour that he was frivolous.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : A little while ago his reaction in the House reminded me of a film which I saw a few days ago, The Exorcist. He was behaving like the girl in the Exorcist who had been possessed. It seems he has been possessed by some evil spirit. He has reminded me of the resolution passed by the other House. I have no comments to make on it. But it is again a fundamental question of political morality. It is a question, a fundamental question of parliamentary democracy whether the other House can arrogate the authority of the lower House, can arrogate the mandate given by the people, whether we are going to subordinate....

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Sathe, by the use of both the Houses, by the use of all Governmental machinery, by the use of all machinations, you cannot subvert democracy and you cannot subvert the mandate of the people; you cannot subvert democracy by using machinations in one way or the other. Mr. Speaker, I should like to make a request to you. I am not in favour of suspending the rule because it will be ineffective. But at least you, Mr. Speaker, as the custodian of the dignity and privilege of this House, should make it quite clear that this behaviour of an hon. Member is below the standard of parliamentary democracy. (Interruptions). It deserves condemnation on all hands. It deserves your reprimand, Mr. Speaker because it is not only his right but the right of all hon. Members sitting here. We were summoned to this House to discuss this motion and the time was taken after so much trouble created by that. I am sorry my hon. friend, Shri Saugata Roy, has not learnt any lesson so far. Why did you support this party till the other day? Have you yet to learn their machinations? Have you yet to learn their behaviour? Have you yet to learn their standard of political morality (Interruptions) Mr. Sathe is not in himself. He is guided by the evil spirit, the evil spirit which haunted this country for long. Mr. Speaker, no motion, no hubbub, no quarrel, no machination is going to drive the country again to the same dark days which the evil spirit tried to bring upon this nation.

I shall request Mr. Saugata Roy not to move for the suspension of the rule. We do not want to subvert the rule. We do not want to use this parliamentary institution to gain a political point. We have gained the mandate of the people. We shall rule this country to their benefit and to their privilege, not for satisfying the whims of certain people. May I request Mr. Sathe not to resort to these tactics. All these tactics failed in the past when you were in power. Now no window-wailing is going to bring you to power by this method. Please don’t go by this. Mr. Speaker, you should reprimand this Member that he should not behave like this. (Interruptions)
