Survey of Madarsas

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : May I have a word please? Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am sorry to intervene.

This is a very sensitive matter and I am sorry that the hon. Minister does not know how to answer questions. He should have said that many information that he gets is from intelligence services and from the Government; and that such information are not be shared the common people. He should have said that he is not going to answer that question.

Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, it is unfortunate that the hon. Minister agrees for a Half-an-Hour Discussion and if you allow it in this House, I do not know what will be said by both sides. I think, it will create more confusion and it will create a problem for the security of the whole nation.

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Yes it should be held, country may divide on that......(Interruptions)
