Influence of Industrial House

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am raising this issue in the House because it is being talked about all over the country that an industrial house is influencing the entire Governmental set up. Be it our Executive or our Legislature, it is influencing all the wings. The matter was raised by Shri Naqvi and Shri Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, but nothing has been done. It was also in the news that this industrial house sold a share for Rs. 390 to the Government which it had purchased at Rs. 60 and thus, they have received Rs. 1070 crore from the UTI. They have diverted this amount in the name of fake companies. Even it has been stated in the Auditor General’s report, that the calculation of the income tax to be paid by them is also not correct.

Not only one like this but many more instances keep coming to light. It has been stated referring to the hon. Prime Minister for that a CBI probe against the UTI and the said Industrial house has not been ordered. I do not know how far it is true. I would like to know from the Government that if such order has been given or any action has been taken then the Government should bring it before the House and the entire country so that this impression could be dispelled that this industrial house can do whatever it wishes and the Government would overlook its every act and if the Government have not taken any action, then, through you, I would request him to kindly look into the matter. I had written a letter to him one and a half month back but it has not yet been acknowledged. I do not want to go deep into details, but only wish that this should be inquired into and the people of the country should not carry this impression that the entire Parliament can be taken for granted on this issue, executive can be made inactive and the entire machinery of the Government can be influenced.

Sir, today it is UTI tomorrow it can be IDBI or day after tomorrow it can also be ICICI. All these financial institutions are now under a cloud. I am surprised that how any senior officer of the department of Finance is immediately transferred at the instance of a particular person or a particular industrial house. Hon. Minister of Finance is sitting here, these acts are done even without informing him. The people have a feeling that this industrial house is capable of getting anybody appointed and transferred anywhere. I would not have raised this issue, but where ever I go, I am asked as to why the Parliament is silent over this issue. Why the matter was not discussed when it was raised by Naqvi Saheb and Munshi ji in the House. People ask us as to why we are silent, that is why I am raising this issue here. If people will carry such an Impression that this industrial house can have its way and the Government will remain inactive and the Parliament tongue tied, what else can be more ominous than this.

Sir, this is not a threat, but if the Government do not take any action in this regard then I would be compelled to prepare a document of the misdeeds of this industrial house and distribute it in the entire country. But then I would request the hon. Minister of Parliamentary Affairs not to mind this act of mine. I am saying this cutting across the party lines, and not because the hon. Minister of Finance is helpless. He is my friend. So many things are in the airs against him and he is, unnecessarily being compelled to take all these allegations over himself. I feel that such helplessness of the hon. Minister of Finance is neither good for himself, nor for the country. People who cannot oppose that family, oppose the Finance Minister or a particular person in Government. This is not a healthy sign for a democratic set up. With these words, I conclude.
