Attack on Parliament

Chandrashekhar the Great  

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (Ballia, U.P.) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I was not prepared to take part in this discussion suddenly you called my name so I would like to conclude within two-four minutes Shri Somnath Chatterjee has tried to put this discussion in the right perspective. Before that Shri Shivraj Patil had raised some points. But the Government owes to give its reply on two-four issues. The first question is that if they were already anticipating the attack, as can be inferred from their speeches, why preventive action was not been taken? Who are responsible for not having taken action? I would humbly request the Home Minister that it would be better if he speaks less. I do want to make the same requests to the Defence Minister. Immediately after the incident the Minister for Home Affairs said that the terrorists could not occasion any harm to the Parliament. The death of our six personnel notwithstanding, part from the hurt that has been caused to the dignity of the Parliament in the eyes of the entire world. And the Government is saying that we are gaining sympathy from all corners. Do we feel dignified because of this sympathy? Is it is a matter of glory for us? As many as nine persons have become martyrs till date due to the attack on Parliament and no one knows how the family members of these persons will cope with the grief throughout their lives. Do we have any sentiments in our heart for them or not? If no M.P. and none of the Ministers has been killed, it doesn’t means that there was no-threat to the nation or to the Parliament. Remember, they have shown bravery, patience and determination and the spirit of sacrifice. As Somnathji has said as per the news we received through news papers that all was saved because the wires which were connected to those terrorists got disconnected due to collision of the car and they could not cause explosion, otherwise the death toll would have been many times more than the number of persons who have died, Parliament might have become extinct and many amongst us might have been killed. Hon’ble Home Minister, you must have kept that in mind. One wonders what is wrong with this Government. It seems as if they are determined to harm the dignity of every office.

A friend of mine in the opposition whom I respect very much said that Mr. Bush has united all the nation. Do you remember that when the incident of 11th September occurred Mr. Bush not only invited all the people whether high or low but also called his people from abroad by sending special planes. Even supposing that today all the intellect, all the knowledge, all the patriotism and all the love for the nation is possessed only by those friends of mine who are sitting on the other side yet, at the same time we should also suppose that other members of the House who too are elected representatives would also be aware of their country and have sentiments about this country. Did you not get a chance to pay attention towards them? Did you not get this opportunity within five-six days? Leaders of big parties are here but you did not get a chance to speak to people like us who are not the leaders of any party — why and due to which reasons you did not get the chance, which security committee of your Cabinet meet, which people from Cabinet meet. The Defence Minister who resigns without reason and withdraw the same and because of whom the Parliament does not function, can speak about the security of the country but Somnath Chatterjee and Mulayam Singh ji cannot speak about security. May be you might have called Yerrannaidu because he belongs to NDA. I have to request you that...(Interruptions) I do not give speech. I speak off and on, and that too I am speaking after being allowed by Mr. Speaker, but do remember that you are not making history by this euology. The weakness of this Government is its indecisiveness and you are making this Government more weaker. Do not increase their indecisiveness. There is a very little difference between the flatters and the supporters, you should try to be a supporter.

There is a very thin line between friends and flatterers. Do not try to be flatterers of this Government.

This situation is not like this. Today, I say with all my humility that the situation is very serious. Only those people speak about who have never thought about it. In this very House I alone had said for not using the praiseworthy words. Today, you have declared loudly about nuclear power. Today, we and Pakistan are equal. Whether we will destroy them first or they will destroy us first, it is not known. Bravery is good while talking but the experience of war is too horrible. War talks should be stopped.

Our foreign Minister and our people used to talk much about the Global consensus. Where has that Global consensus gone. Today, you have run out of steam by a statement of the Minister of America. Who knows whether you will be able to wage a war or not, war discussion will take place or not. A big shot from America says that today Pakistan is willing to co-operate with us, you should give all information to it. I don’t know if the Home Minister will provide that information or not. We never accepted a third country’s interference, but today this interference is taking place only and the Government is quiet on this matter. Is this in line with the dignity of the country? Was there any discussion in the American newspapers about this attack on the Parliament? If it was discussed, then how much discussion took place? Has America shown even the hundredth part of the pain, the grief and the enthusiasm of support shown by you. I have no quarrel with them but all people live and die for their country. Today, they need the help of our neighbour, whom you are calling your enemy, because their fight is taking place at its border and they are trying to gain victory with its help. We are only downing our level by coming forward and showing and offering our support to them. Belittling ourself in front of them, pretending as courageous in front of the opposition and keeping the people of the country in confusion, all this is the way of the Government. The events from the Kargil war to the events of present day show this only. Our friend has said just now that India is a peace loving country and that is why you went to Lahore. In its glorious history of five thousand years, when India was the most powerful and rich counlry, we never took our army to foreign lands. Friends, I would like to urge upon you that while speaking about civilization and culture, don’t speak about war so easily. War is a dangerous game and you will not only damage this country by playing this dangerous game... (Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, he will be coming from the battlefield, but I was born amidst peace, I shall favour peace.

I have never seen a war...(Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, my first suggestion is that these members should be taught some manners so that they could know as to how to behave in the Parliament... (Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, they can fight a war with us but I would ask the hon’ble Prime Minister not to speak about war with Pakistan. I will keep on saying like this ...(Interruptions) I would urge upon you again that war is a dangerous game. You will become alone in war. War will destroy this country and Pakistan. You should away from this path of destruction... (Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, those who want to join the army, you can sent them. I have no objection. But we are here in this Parliament and are carrying out duties...(Interruptions)

There is army to look after this matter. They will decide as to when war is to be fought and as to how it is to be fought. Only they will give this advise to the hon’ble Prime Minister and the Defence Minister. If they think that war is necessary then they can go to war, I have no objection. But even then I will oppose it. I will keep on opposing even if I am left alone. I am against war and I have been raising voice against it. I alone had opposed the atomic test too. I am opposing it today and will keep on opposing it in future also because atom bomb is not a weapon for defence, it is a weapon for attack. It is only for attack not for defence. India is not a country to attack. India should not think of aggression...(Interruptions) I have also seen terrorism for few days. I know how to tackle terrorism. Terrorism cannot be checked with such speeches. Terrorism is checked with strict decisions, and will power. Government of indecisiveness cannot check terrorism. A Government which is unable to take decisions, cannot check terrorism. People dividing the country in the name of caste or religion cannot check terrorism ...(Interruptions) Terrorism cannot be checked by such people. Who are dividing the country on the basis of religion and caste ...(Interruptions) That is why I say that terrorism is bad. Given the support of religion, terrorism, becomes horrible. If one side, terrorism is continuing with the support of religion, then it should not be repeated in this country. Otherwise this country will be destroyed first. I am happy that the hon’ble Prime Minister and the hon’ble Home Minister are sitting quietly so that so many people could finish their speeches. I have no grievance against them.

When I am speaking, I know that it would be opposed. I am speaking among those persons who are unaware of the history, who are unaware of the future and who do not have understanding. When I am speaking,

I among those persons who neither have any concern about the future of India they are aware of the past of India...(Interruptions) They have not understood the Parliamentary traditions and that is why these people have created extremism in our neighbouring country and have tried to create such sort of extremism in our country ...(Interruptions) Extremism cannot be stopped by extremism. Extremism is stopped by peaceful things. Extremism is stopped by wisdom...(Interruptions). Our friends were supporting Atalji’s proposal of peace in this regard but now they are getting disturbed on hearing the word ‘peace’. That is why I was not interested in speaking...(Interruptions). That is why I was against speaking and I was listening to quietly but you had shown great kindness and asked me to speak. May God save me from these fellow, this is my only request... (Interruptions)
