Compulsions of Government

Chandrashekhar the Great  


“That this House expresses its confidence in the Council of Ministers.”

Mr. Speaker, Sir, I regret that the non-formation of the council of Ministers has shocked many of my friends and they are very keen to see as early as possible the new faces of the members of the Council of Ministers. They have become so habitual of seeing the faces of Ministers that Parliament is meaningless to them without Ministers. They want to know the reasons. There are many reasons for not forming the Council of Ministers.

Sir, very humbly we have undertaken this responsibility and many of our friends have raised their voice that we do not enjoy majority support in the House. I never wanted to give them an opportunity to say that I expanded my Council of Ministers in a big way without obtaining their consent or the consent of this august House. The only reason was that the Cabinet was to be expanded after obtaining vote of confidence. I feel that they should have visualised it much earlier but if they failed, it was their fault like a particular bird who cannot see anything in the sun-light. The fault lies with the eyes and not with the sun. Therefore, Mr. Speaker, Sir, through you, I would like to submit that today we are passing through a crucial phase and the condition of the country in every respect is bad. I do not want to level allegation against anybody here.......(Interruptions)

Neither I intend to level charges against anybody nor I am interested in delivering a long speech. I would like to reply to only a few questions which are raised repeatedly. The question which is often asked is whether we have got the mandate of the people or not, whether people have supported us or not, and this is a genuine question. Last time when we won elections and people elected us to form the Government, Shri Advani, Shri Somnath Chatterjee and Shri Indrajit Gupta supported us and our strategy was to form a Government which could prove a viable alternative to the Congress. Advani ji had clearly mentioned in the election manifesto that no compromise will be made in regard to Article 370. Similar other issued were also raised by Shri Advani but I would not like to go into them. We along with our parties had also made it clear that no compromise will be made on certain specific issues. At that time, we had also given an assurance to run the Government for five years. It was also a basis to seek public support. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to know from my friends whether I was involved in toppling the previous Government?....(Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, just now Shri George Fernandes reminded me that we voted against the Government which had become lifeless since the day Shri Advani withdrew his support. You may not find even a single example in the history that a Prime Minister ever stuck to the Chair even after losing majority......(Interruptions)..... Political morality is questioned here and I am being accused that I toppled the Government. I never concealed the fact that I opposed the then Prime Minister but I was not involved in toppling the Government. If the Government was toppled, it was only due to the misconceptions created between those friends who at present, are sitting together. If the previous Government relied only on their support......(Interruptions) .

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I did not want to raise these questions here, if my friend sought the reply, he must be prepared to listen because these questions...(Interruptions) because in my opinion, these questions have no significance at all. The basic question is what challenges does the country face, in what condition the country is at present. We also have certain constraints and I would not like to relate how the country was administered for eleven months and in what condition the economy of the country was when the Government changed. However, I would certainly like to relate the prevailing circumstances at that time. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I seek the permission of the House as well as yours to put that situation before the House. The condition of the country during these six days has not deteriorated to the extent to which it was when we took over. I don’t want to mention it. The economy of the country is on the verge of collapse today. But Mr. Speaker, Sir, we know that despite all this, the country will not break. Crores of people of this country, where thousands of years old culture persists, are its saviour. What direction was given, what policies were adopted during the last eleven months? These faulty strategies and policies have put a big question make on the fate of the people, the economy, the stability, unity and integrity of the nation and the only way to remove this question mark is that we should enlist the cooperation of the people. The people are capable and the economy of the country is strong enough to face any challenge. I would like to appeal to all the countrymen that we are passing through a difficult and challenging period and thus we would like to have their co-operation and strength. Mr. Speaker, Sir, through you, I would like to submit to the leaders of all the political parties that I am free to say a few things but I am ready to say only what I can, through you, and if there is any exaggeration in what I say, I will be ready to resign not only from Prime Ministership but also from the membership of this House.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, I was already aware of it and I would not relate this in the House today. I have been continuously urging Shri Advani, who is present here, that the path on which the country was being taken is that of destruction. I also warned leaders of leftist parties of the same and made utmost efforts to avert it.

Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is true that we sought the Congress support and there is nothing to be ashamed of it. I want the similar support from all other friends, who consider our actions to be shameful. Mr. Speaker, Sir, this issue is not related to the prestige or pride of an individual. It is related to the protection of the country and on this issue we want everybody not only the Members but all the citizens to unite to strengthen the country.

Sir, through you, I would like to submit to them that there was a time when they respected Shri Advani like a saint and now they consider him as “Rakshas”. This is a fall out of your political approach. Today the leftists feel that they have full authority to declare anybody progressive or reactionary suiting their whims. I do not need any certificate from them. Mr. Speaker, Sir, my submission is that I have also passed a considerable time in politics and observed these stalwarts quite closely. Before pointing towards me, they, particularly the leftist leaders who participated in the national movements and who have created a history due to which I respect them, should do some retrospection. They seem to be unaware of the prevailing circumstances.

They are not aware of the circumstances through which the country is passing today. I would like them to update themselves and think whether the need of the hour is to extend co-operation and support in the interest of the country or not. It is often asked as to who is the Prime Minister? At present you are ignorant of it, in a few days you will very well come to know about it. (Interruptions)

The issue of Prime Ministership is not related to an individual. Prime Minister is the person who enjoys the support of the House, whome the contry has approved as such accordance with the provisions in the Constitution. Therefore, there is no need to be concerned about the Prime Minister. Think about the future of the country and about taking it out of the present miserable condition. I would like to submit that inspite of the fact that the country is in bad shape, it retains its strength. Our farmers and labourers have got the capability to rebuild the country. Crores of citizens of this country even today take pride and love their country. I would like to have their co-operation also. I belong to that category of people who believe that in order to save the country support of people is a must. That is why we took this initiative. I am confident that we will get the co-operation and support of all. With a view to throw a challenge to anybody but to make them realise the facts I would like to reiterate that while speaking they should exercise caution and restraint lest I am compelled to reveal certain things which may make it difficult for you to face the people. Therefore, my submission is that you ponder over the matter. I leave everything to your wisdom. If you want to know the facts and hold the responsibility, I being the Prime Minister of the country, would like to put all those facts before you due to which I opposed the previous Government, and joined hands with all the forces. ....(Interruptions)

The people who are concerned about the future of the country, who have full faith in the eternity and dignity of the country will certainly support us in order to give new strength to the country and to infuse inspiration, vigour and encouragement in its masses. Instead of discord goodwill should be generated. Blood should not be shed. Every life is precious, whoever dies is either a son or a daughter of the country. I would like all of us to make efforts to unite on the issue of communalism and poverty and find out a way to soothe the hurt feelings of people and to boost a new strength in the country. With these words I would like this House to support my motion.

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am very grateful to the hon. Member, who has drawn my attention towards this fact. Shri Devi Lal is the Deputy Prime Minister and all of you know him. I thank you very much
