Bofors not a National Problem

Chandrashekhar the Great  

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am glad that Advaniji has made my task very easy. I only hope that after putting the papers on the Table of the House, the Government should not be accused that further investigation was not made possible. I want to make this very clear. I have no intention to conceal any fact, nor to save any person. I will be the first person to lay all the information on the Table of the House because I was telling in the beginning of my speech that this is a matter which is agitating the minds of our people and putting the whole country in the very embarrassing situation.

I think that this country will be saved from this embarrassment. Whoever is found guilty, should be punished or he should be brought before the people. When I say that this is not the job of the Prime Minister, I think Bofors is a good scandal, but this is not the national problem to which the Prime Minister should devote all his attention. That is what I want to say.
