Protect Freedom of Press

Chandrashekhar the Great  

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR) : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would have heard to the problems of the tribals but the hon. Speaker of South Korea is waiting for me for the last half an hour. Please excuse me.

THE PRIME MINISTER (SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR) : Before making a statement on SAARC summit I would like to point out only one thing regarding the freedom of Press a point raised by hon. Dandavateji, Gujaralji and Narasingh Raoji, Shri Bhajan Lal and Shri Santosh Mohan Dev also raised it without embroiling myself into the controversy, that any attack on the freedom of Press is unfortunate and a matter of shame for us. Freedom of Press should always be protected. I would not go into allegations and counter allegations. Some hon. Members pointed to an incident which occurred recently. I would get the information from the Haryana Government and I assure the House that we would take all possible steps to protect the freedom of Press. If the House wants to discuss it and if you allow it Mr. Speaker, Sir, I think we should discuss it in detail because this is a basic issue and there should be no clarity on the part of the Government. Have I would like to point out. ....(Interruptions)

SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR : In the last two months, at least I am not aware if I have made a complaint against any Press reporter or Editor. I have never bothered who writes in favour of the Government or against it : That is their lookout. They may do whatever they want. I believe that there should be no apprehensions about the freedom of Press and I assure the House that nothing will be done to create such an apprehension.
